RecycleMax Inc
Detroit, Michigan 48202 USA
At RecycleMax Inc., we specialize in healthcare recycling services that support medical facilities in managing waste in an eco-friendly and compliant way. We offer customized solutions for recycling everyday items such as medical plastics, packaging materials, and office waste. Our services are designed to help healthcare providers minimize their ecological footprint while adhering to local and global waste management regulations. With our expertise, healthcare facilities can recycle more, reduce waste disposal costs, and contribute to a greener environment. Choose RecycleMax Inc. to handle your healthcare recycling needs and play an active role in promoting sustainability in the healthcare sector.
Contact Info
More Business Info
Established Year | 2000 |
Services | BUSINESS (B2B) |
Category | BUSINESS (B2B) |
Sub Category | Business Development & Training |
Phone | 3138834395 |
Personal Info
Name | RecycleMax Inc | | |
Address | Detroit, Michigan 48202 USA |
Country | United States of America |
State | MI |
City | Detroit, MI, USA |
Zip Code | 48202 |